Reading Group Selections
8, 2008

by Karin Slaughter*
most of her family, Lena Adams did not succumb to a life of
drugs or crime. She left home and became a cop. But when she
returns to her home town to help her uncle, Lena finds herself
accused of murder.
miss the opportunity to meet International Best Selling Author
Karin Slaughter. She will be the Dinner Guest Speaker at this
year's Murder Goes South on Friday January 25, 2008 at 7:30
5, 2008

of Rivals
by Doris Kearns Goodwin
Seward, Salmon P. Chase, Edward Bates, and Abraham Lincoln
were presidential rivals in the election of 1860. Lincoln's
win over them earned him their scorn since he was considered
an obscure, backwoods, Illinois lawyer. Yet despite their
distain for him, Lincoln made the unprecedented move of persuading
his rivals to join his administration. And what's more, the
three men accepted positions in his cabinet and worked collectively
to see this country through one of its darkest periods in
4, 2008

of the Fathers
by Patricia Sprinkle
mystery writer Patricia Sprinkle joins the Smyrna Book Group
in a discussion of her mystery novel: SINS OF THE FATHERS.
To help
her friend Flo save her family's cemetery, Katherine Murray
travels to Georgia coastal island of Bayard to stop a greedy
landowner from developing the land right on top of Flo's ancestors.
But the island and its inhabitants have deeply buried secrets
and as the women start to uncover them, they soon realize
they might be in over their head.
1, 2008

Poetry Month
honor of National Poetry Month and April Fool's Day, the Group
will be reading various Limericks*. So bring your favorite
limerick or make one up of your own.
*A limerick
is a five-line poem in which the first, second and fifth lines
rhyme with each other and the third and fourth lines rhyme.
Example: There was an Old Man with a beard,
Who said 'It is just as I feared! -
Two Owls and a Hen,
Four Larks and a Wren,
Have all built their nests in my beard!'
6, 2008

of Pi
by Yann Martel
Pi Patel of India survives a harrowing shipwreck, only to
find himself adrift in a lifeboat on the expansive Pacific
Ocean with a 450-pound Bengal tiger. Pi's 227-day journey
through shark-invested water is filled with adventure, survival,
and salvation.
3, 2008

Echo Maker
by Richard Powers
a truck accident, Mark Schulter emerges from a 14-day coma
to find himself stricken with a rare neurological condition
that does not allow him to recognize the people in his life
or his own surroundings. When Mark's sister, Karin, returns
home to nurse him back to health, he accuses her of being
an imposter and refuses her help. At wits end, Karin turns
to cognitive neurologist Gerald Weber for help.
8, 2008

Latest Grievance
by Elinor Lipman
her psych professor parents have always been brutally honest
with their daughter Frederica, both failed to tell her about
her father's first wife. When the rebellious 15-year-old Frederica
meets Laura Lee (the infamous first wife) she finds delight
in her presence--much to the consternation of her parents.
5, 2008

Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
by Sherman Alexie
Indian identity, both self and tribal, Alexie's first young
adult novel is a semiautobiographical chronicle of Arnold
Spirit, aka Junior, a Spokane Indian from Wellpinit, WA. The
bright 14-year-old was born with water on the brain, is regularly
the target of bullies, and loves to draw. He says, "I
think the world is a series of broken dams and floods, and
my cartoons are tiny little lifeboats." He expects disaster
when he transfers from the reservation school to the rich,
white school in Reardan, but soon finds himself making friends
with both geeky and popular students and starting on the basketball
team. Meeting his old classmates on the court, Junior grapples
with questions about what constitutes one's community, identity,
and tribe. The daily struggles of reservation life and the
tragic deaths of the protagonist's grandmother, dog, and older
sister would be all but unbearable without the humor and resilience
of spirit with which Junior faces the world. The many characters,
on and off the rez, with whom he has dealings are portrayed
with compassion and verve, particularly the adults in his
extended family. Forney's simple pencil cartoons fit perfectly
within the story and reflect the burgeoning artist within
Junior. Reluctant readers can even skim the pictures and construct
their own story based exclusively on Forney's illustrations.
The teen's determination to both improve himself and overcome
poverty, despite the handicaps of birth, circumstances, and
race, delivers a positive message in a low-key manner. Alexie's
tale of self-discovery is a first purchase for all libraries.--
Chris Shoemaker, New York Public Library
School Library Journal,
Copyright Reed Business Information,
2, 2008

by Ha Jin
the day after the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, Jian
Wan, the narrator of Ha Jin's powerful new novel, comes upon
two weeping students. "I'm going to write a novel to
fix all the fascists on the page," says one of them.
The other responds, "yes... we must nail them to the
pillory of history." Ha's novel is written in the conviction
that writers don't nail anyone to anything: at best, they
escape nailing themselves. Jian is a graduate student in literature
at provincial Shanning University. In the spring of 1989,
his adviser, Professor Yang, suffers a stroke, and Jian listens
as the bedridden Yang raves about his past. Yang's bitterness
about his life under the yoke of the Communist Party infects
Jian, who decides to withdraw from school. His fiancee Professor
Yang's daughter, Meimei breaks off their engagement in disgust,
but Jian is heartened by a trip into the countryside, after
which he decides that he will devote himself to helping the
province's impoverished peasants. His plan is to become a
provincial official, but the Machiavellian maneuverings of
the Party secretary of the literature department a sort of
petty Madame Mao cheat him of this dream, sending him off
on a hapless trip to Beijing and Tiananmen Square. Despite
this final quixotic adventure, Ha's story is permeated by
a grief that won't be eased or transmuted by heroic images
of resistance. Jian settles for shrewd, small rebellions,
to prevent himself from becoming "just a piece of meat
on a chopping board." Like Gao Xingjian, Ha continues
to refine his understanding of politics as an unmitigated
Source: Publishers
Weekly, Copyright Reed Business
Information, Inc.
7, 2008

Night in Question
by Tobias Wolff
some gifted writers make a show of their virtuosity, others,
like Wolff, make what they do seem so artless that only upon
reflection is the meticulous craftsmanship and intelligence
of their work apparent. Wolff's first book of short fiction
in over a decade (after his two acclaimed memoirs, This Boy's
Life and In Pharaoh's Army) finds him writing at the top of
the form. In each of the 14 stories in this splendid collection,
Wolff's tone is unadorned, and a good number of the events
he describes are just this side of prosaic; yet they are graced
by an unerring sense of just how much depth can be mined from
even a seemingly inconsequential situation. In "Firelight,"
an unnamed narrator recollects looking at rental apartments
with his glamorous but impoverished mother; their brief interaction
with another family showing them an apartment they can't possibly
afford opens up into a meditation on home, family and belonging.
The book begins with the wry and surprising "Mortals,"
in which a journalist is fired for writing the obituary of
a man who proves to be very much alive. Other strong stories
include "Flyboys," about an uneasy trio of youthful
friends, and "The Chain," in which a man's desire
for revenge after his daughter is attacked by a dog begets
a cycle of violence with unforeseen consequences. In several
stories, teenage protagonists and young men serving in Vietnam
suddenly experience the instinct of self preservation; they
and other characters learn to test the limits of their moral
certitude. Wolff's characterizations are impeccable, his ear
pitch-perfect and his eye unblinking yet compassionate. 30,000
first printing.
Publishers Weekly,
Copyright Reed Business Information,
4, 2008

Ghost at the Table
by Suzanne Berne
This taut
psychological drama by Orange Prizewinner Berne (A Crime
in the Neighborhood) unfolds as San Francisco freelance writer
Cynthia Fiske acquiesces to her maternal older sister, Frances,
and attends the Thanksgiving family reunion Frances is hosting
at her perfectly restored Colonial home in Concord, Mass.
Cynthia believes her father, now 82, murdered their invalid
mother with an overdose of pills when Cynthia was 13, and
she has no wish to ever see him again. Within months after
their mother died, their father packed Frances and Cynthia
off to boarding school and married the much younger Ilse,
a graduate student who worked as part-time tutor to Frances.
But now he's suffered a stroke. Ilse is divorcing him, and
the family is placing him in a home. Tension is high by the
time the assorted guests, including Frances's complicated
teenage daughters, her mysterious husband and the speech-impaired
patriarch, are called to Frances's table, and it doesn't take
much to fan the first flares of anger into the inevitable
conflagration. Berne takes an inherently dramatic conflictone
sister's intention to obfuscate the hard truths of the past
vs. another's determination to drag them under a spotlight
and ratchets up the stakes with astute observation and
narrative cunning.
Publishers Weekly,
Copyright Reed Business Information,
2, 2008

by E. B. White
An affectionate,
sometimes bashful pig named Wilbur befriends a spider named
Charlotte, who lives in the rafters above his pen. A prancing,
playful bloke, Wilbur is devastated when he learns of the
destiny that befalls all those of porcine persuasion. Determined
to save her friend, Charlotte spins a web that reads "Some
Pig," convincing the farmer and surrounding community
that Wilbur is no ordinary animal and should be saved. In
this story of friendship, hardship, and the passing on into
time, E.B. White reminds us to open our eyes to the wonder
and miracle often found in the simplest of things.
Amazon.com, Copyright