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2009 Display Gallery Exhibits Archive

2009 Display Gallery Exhibits
Current & Upcoming Exhibits

Historical Military Miniatures
by Atlanta Military Figure Society

January 3, 2008 - February 28, 2008

Atlanta Military Figure Society

In 1975 local figure modeling enthusiasts joined together to create the Atlanta Soldier Society. The group met at a local hobby shop to discuss figure painting and the hobby of military miniatures. Their enthusiasm led to the club's first miniature figure show in 1977. Its success attracted new members to the young organization and prompted the show to become an annual event. In 1995, the club was renamed the Atlanta Military Figure Society (AMFS).

The Atlanta Military Figure Society will host its 32nd Annual Show on Friday-Saturday-Sunday, February 20-22, 2009, at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta-Powers Ferry Hotel. This year's show promises to be an enjoyable weekend for all. Over the past 30+ years the show has become one of the most fun-filled, exciting exhibitions/competitions for miniature figures in North America. From novice to master, modelers from across the USA and the world exchange ideas with other modelers and forge lasting friendships.

Learn more about the Atlanta Military Figure Society from their website.   

Flora Intima I & II
by Marti Griffin
March 1, 2009 - April 30, 2009

Flora Intima I & II by Marti Griffin

Inspiring happiness is the goal of my imagery” says photographer Marti Griffin. I try to see life in light and use that to brighten the days! During Griffin's three decade career, her talent has been showcased in work appearing worldwide in photographic illustration for top magazines, advertising shots for well-known corporate clients and cover art for a wide variety of recording artists.

Marti Griffin has been honored with many awards including the Art Directors Club 64th Annual Exhibition Merit Award, several Addy awards from Atlanta and Birmingham Groups and a Merit Award from the Advertising Photographers Of America.

Flora Intima I & II; are the first two installments of a continuing series on flora. Flora Intima is a colorful study of stunning intimate floral portraiture. Presented with a whimsical almost sensual flair, each image vividly portrays the emotion of color via a surrealistic approach.

For more information on Marti Griffin:

MartiArt Photos
Pet Portraiture

Computer Technology Then and Now
May 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009

Computer Technology Then and Now



Computer Technology Then and Now

The technology we use today to access the computer and the internet is certainly faster, smaller and more efficient than the early equipment associated with the term “computer.” And the internet is really just an arrangement of that equipment to bring together stored data in a fast and organized way to present to the user who asked the question.

Given that the first modern electronic computer dates only to 1943, the equipment has changed drastically over a short period of time. It has become smaller, faster, and uses new ways to store data and new ways to organize that data into useful information. The advent of computer networks (and especially wireless ones) allows us to use a cell phone, (which has also seen incredible changes in size, capability and function) as a computer terminal to access the internet, take a photo and play music or videos.

This “joining” of technologies is the future trend. Rather than having many different pieces of “hardware” to support knowledge creation, knowledge recovery, and knowledge usage, future technologies will continue to join lots of functionality into a single, small device. For example, a Blackberry can deliver audio and video content, takes photos, calculate, send text messages, play games, set alarms, receive sports scores or movie times, get directions, etc. Oh, yes, it also makes phone calls.

Future technology with similar (and more) functions may someday be implanted in us. Already, users “implant” Bluetooth headphones so tiny into their ear canals that it is not a stretch to envision a day where some of the inputs are actually a part of us!

The technology in the display cases shows a progression through time of how “computers” store data, the equipment and media that store that data, and examples of how, over time, access to stored data has improved. You can view the exhibit from “now to then” (right to left) or “then to now” (left to right). On the far left is a timeline of the development of the internet.

Recycled Nature Products
by George Burkett

July 1, 2009 - August 31, 2009

Recycled Nature Products by George Burkett

Bird Houses by George Burkett

George Burkett of Mableton, Georgia belongs to the Woodworkers’ Guild of Georgia. Nine years ago, George was looking for a quick and easy project that would involve his love of woodworking. In a farm journal, he found the plans for a bluebird house.

He searched for materials to build his house and found some dog-eared fence pickets made out of cedar. He built one house and was hooked. George’s bluebird houses have been approved by the North American Bluebird Society. Since then George has built hundreds of homes for all kinds of birds using recycled materials.

One of his favorite materials is old license plates especially vanity or specialty plates. He also developed a relationship with a fence company and frequents their scrap piles picking up wood for his houses.

George adopted a section of the Silver Comet Trail and has erected some of his bird houses along the trail. Along with his bluebird houses, George builds wren cottages and wren cubes.

You can find George and his bird houses at the Smyrna Produce Market on Saturday mornings this summer.

For further information, you can contact George at


Log Cabin Syrup Memorabilia
by Richard Underwood

September 1, 2009 - October 31, 2009

Log Cabin Syrup Memorabilia by Richard Underwood

Log Cabin Syrup Collection Item

Richard Underwood of Vinings, Georgia loves to collect. Log Cabin Syrup and John Deere Tractor memorabilia are two of his favorite collections.

Dick’s Log Cabin Syrup collection includes containers - metal, glass, and plastic - calendars, thermometers, banks and other items from 1914 to the present.

He started collecting Log Cabin Syrup memorabilia about 15 years ago. He has some very early examples which are all tin cabins. During the war, tin was not available so glass bottles of Log Cabin were substituted. He has many examples of these early glass bottles. Later the company returned to the familiar log cabin container as well as continuing the use of the glass containers. More recently the company started using plastic containers for its products. Dick also has many of these in his collection.

He has searched shops in Tennessee. Georgia and Alabama, extensively, buying almost everything he found. He also has some knock off versions of the Log Cabin containers.

You can find George and his bird houses at the Smyrna Produce Market on Saturday mornings this summer.

He has organized his collection by date of manufacture from the earliest to the most recent. When the use of zip codes began in 1963, the company added its zip code to the address on the containers. Dick uses the presence or absence of the zip code as an aid in determining the date of the containers.


Original Abstract Art
by Linda McClure

November 1, 2009 - January 2, 2010

Original Art by Linda McClure

Linda McClure was employed in insurance for over forty-one years. A few years ago, a friend urged her to take painting classes from her teacher. Linda’s response to her was always a laugh and a wave of the hand and she would say that she wasn’t artsy, craftsy, not an artist. After much coaxing, she finally decided to try it and discovered her artistic streak in 2003.

After opening up to her artistic gifts, Linda began to explore energy healing and was attuned to Reiki, Seichem, Cartouche and Life Force Healing.

After several years creating her art under the name of Bon Highlander, Linda is now creating work under the name of Krystal Phoenixx. As Krystal, she is sorting through lifetime after lifetime and breaking old bonds and ties that held her back.

In addition to her paintings, Linda aka Krystal also creates canes and ladies handbags along with the beading she enjoys when she wants a change of pace.

You can reach Linda aka Krystal at or 404-374-4937.


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